Svan spzo is a trading company that basically deals with the food and beverages. We give out totally our first class products  base on customers’ demands.
Our value-added solutions are based on our expert knowledge of customer needs. A value-added solution is not just a final product but also a complex bundle of services, such as customization, problem-solving, market advice, delivery systems, technical support and whatever else is needed to meet our customer’s needs. We continually strive to increase our share of value-added solutions relative to bulk products sales worldwide.


Due to the development on the food sector in Europe without national borders, the interest of the consumer in safe food increases.
Food scandals have caused uncertainty and confusion. By offering a large range of products the consumer’s main interest lies in food safety and harmlessness for the health, besides quality and price, indulgence and nutritional value of the food.


Our products are shipped via Lorry, Railway as well as Containers to the respective markets. We have an in-house railway connection as well as a direct water connection and is therefore linked to the important water ways in Europe.
We are pleased introducing you individual logistical solutions on request.
Lorry 28-32 palettes depending on type of vehicle and country-specific

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